Friday, November 15, 2013

Update #15

Hello people of A'therys. Here's a small update about what is being organized in town. I'm actually writting a very detailed RP rule chart with Redninja. Some kind of very structured code on how to RP act in our town. A bit complicated to memorize, but still awesome.

There's also a lot of RP jobs available in town now. Those characters will have a specific duty in town. For an exemple, the blacksmith. The blacksmith will run his little forge and shop to sell blacksmith items to the town. Every characters will have their own business/shop/building in town. That way, we don't end up with just a bunch of random chest shops in a market square. There will also have a tax system for owners of RP shop.

We are recruiting! Some available shops/buildings:

-2 taverns
-2 churches
-Clinic (apothecary)
-Redstone shop
-Quarry/Mining company
-Flower shop
-Butcher shop

Here's a bunch of characters/jobs available

-2 Librarians
-2 Bartenders
-2 or 3 Doctors (1 taken)
-2 Engineers (factory owners)
-Mining company owner
-Ship captain
-Airship captain (Skylord, get the reference ;) )
-Gardener (Palace)
-2 Butlers (Would like to have one named Alfred. Both is good too) (Courier, Assistants helpers)
-Carpenters (Build team)
-Musicians (Palace)
-Traveling Merchants
-Fruit seller
-Ambassadors (From other towns too)
-Farmers (Owns realistic looking farms)
-Magicians (live in a cool tower)

An aplication is needed for some of these jobs. Contact me on the forum if you're interested in one of these jobs. :)


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