Saturday, November 9, 2013

Off topic #2

Alright! Why not take the time to talk about a game that greatly influenced my builds in MC. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

First of all this game is my childhood. I can still remember sitting in front of the tv and playing it all day when I was a kid. This game always had an influence on my artistic creativity. When it come to build something in MC, I tend to enjoy to build dark structure as temples, catacombs and graves. Something  that always shocked me as a kid was the really dark and scary places in that game. Such as the bottom of the well and the shadow temple.

And especially that abomination!

^ This nasty monster is so well engrained in my psyche that if I ever see someone with pale skin and dark spot, I'd get a sword and beat him right away.

That dark side of the game always fascinated me. Especially the Kakarico village. This town seems so peaceful from the first look. Carpenters are building, the cuccos lady is looking for her chickens, the guard looking for a fox mask for his son,  that weird dude in the windmill... But when you have a closer look,  you realize the town has an incredibly dark hidden history. That's what I like about Kakarico.

I always saw Kakariko village into old Andronesia. Andronesia was the perfect town to hide something really dark. To have morbid secrets. So peaceful on the first sight. Just needed some a bit of horror to complete it. That's why the first story I've wrote was about an era where an evil and paranoid ruler is dealing with the town during a mysterious plague. And of course it turns out to have HORIBLE events and be an horror book. Kakarico's influence is very high in that story. And yes I included a "Shadow temple" which is a underground prison. Worst and darker than everything you can even imagine. ;) I'm eager to get done of it so I could realease it.

I even started to build that jail on AAv1. Not a long time before the shut down... Got deleted. Oh why? T-T But I still got some pictures of it! Woot!

Hope you can set up your screen's luminosity. When I say dark, I mean it. ;)

PS: To those who didn't play that game, you missed something. Nighty night folks.
PPS: Maybe am I a psychopath. Maybe not...


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